Isnet CallAge Outbound Application:
With the Isnet CallAge Outbound Application system, your campaign management and outbound calls are now more efficient and productive.
Isnet CallAge is developed via Avaya Application Enablement System (AES) which makes it easy to use and fully interoperable with Avaya Communication Systems.
Efficient Predictive Outbound Dialer Features
Isnet CallAge is able to perform outbound calls with the required intensity. You can enter a limitless quantity of phone numbers to the contact lists and you can perform unlimited calls to those numbers. Changes are made in real-time via supervisors without interrupting the system (Even without technical help). The system provides you the outbound capabilities of progressive, predictive and agentless (IVR based) calls.
Inbound/Outbound Blending Features
Agents can be defined to be able to perform inbound/outbound blending. Agent status information (available, busy, on a break, etc..) is obtained in real-time from Avaya Communication Manager via CTI (Avaya Application Enablement System TSAPI). It’s possible to enable/disable agents to perform external calls.
Strong and Efficient Campaign Management
Different call rules and modes can be defined for each campaigns. This gives you the flexibility to perform outbound calls for small and large call lists. Campaigns and call lists can be defined within the system but also can be easily transferred from an outsource location (CRM, Database, Excel File, etc..). Supervisors can assign agents to campaigns or call lists in real-time and they can accomplish this task without interrupting the system. It is also possible to input new data in real-time without any interruption.
Data Recycling
Data can be transferred from a successfully finalized call lists within a campaign to a new campaign or call list. For example; unsuccessful attempts to a certain number of phone numbers within a campaign can be transferred to a new list and makes it possible for the company to focus on these. All these features are made in real-time and within the system without any interruption to it or to remove the data out of the system.
Matryoshka Feature
With this feature, campaigns can be linked to each other and a finalized call record within a campaign can be transferred to the other campaign or call list as a new record. For example; a successful call accomplished in campaign A can be transferred automatically to campaign B as a new record. Accordingly, the same process goes through from campaign B to campaign C. And considering you have unlimited campaigns, this feature may go on and on as long as you needed, without any interruption to the system.
Flexible Integration & Powerful Reporting
With CRM and similar applications, data transfers and features like screen pop-up are made very easily and flexible. The powerful reports are generally downed to 3 groups.
Agent Performance (PIVOT) Report
Live Reports
Archive Record Reports
User-Friendly Supervisor Application
Supervisor application makes it easy to identify and authorize agents, manage reports mentioned above, live agent monitoring, real-time campaign and call list management, agent break status etc… Supervisors can make these changes without any technical help.